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Gregorich, Steven E
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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
12012Association of media literacy with cigarette smoking among youth In Jujuy, ArgentinaSalgado, M. Victoria ; Pérez-Stable, Eliseo J ; Primack, Brian A ; Kaplan, Celia ; Mejía, Raúl M ; Gregorich, Steven E 
22013Influence of gender role attitudes on smoking and drinking among girls from Jujuy, ArgentinaMejía, Raúl M ; Kaplan, Celia ; Alderete, Ethel ; Gregorich, Steven ; Pérez-Stable, Eliseo J 
32010Physician counseling of pregnant women about active and secondhand smoking in ArgentinaMejía, Raúl M ; Guil Martínez, Valeria ; Gregorich, Steven E ; Pérez-Stable, Eliseo J