Browsing by Author De Pinho, Helen

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Decentralisation of health systemsKawonga, Mary ; Maceira, Daniel ; Sundari Ravindran, TK ; De Pinho, Helen 
2005Health financing reformsSundari Ravindran, TK ; Maceira, Daniel ; Sundari Ravindran, TK ; De Pinho, Helen 
2004Health sector reforms and sexual reproductive health servicesMurthy, Ranjani K ; De Pinho, Helen ; Ravindran, TK Sundari ; Romero, Mariana 
2005Service accountability and community participationMurthy, Ranjani K ; Weller, Silvana ; Aizenberg, Lila ; Sundari Ravindran, TK ; De Pinho, Helen